I have just finished spinning up this beautiful merino blended with these lovely colours. I purchased the fleece mix from Jenny and Phillip Dunn (Virginia Farms)

Above is Alpaca I have just finished Spinning and dyeing this amazing colour. It is so soft.
Thanks to Charlie --pacaMania. 583 Dinjerra Rd. Glenugie NSW. 2460 02 66435210
All her Alpaca's are treated like her babies. This fleece was from Moonglow
I have enough to make another hank of the same.
Thanks to the Virginia Farms and Charlie and other Stall Holders who came to the Fibrecraft Expo held 21st May 2008. It was a wonderful day with many visitors viewing and buying who probably spent more that they wished but I'm sure will not regret it.
Many beautiful hand designed garments made by the members were on show or paraded by the girls from a local school. They did a charming job. Maybe it will be a start of a modelling career.
I am now sure Coffs Harbour Ladies will be known for "putting on a good show"