More souch beanies hand knitted. See previous posts
Friday, March 26, 2010
Slouch Beanies (2)
More slouch beanies going to Soul Weaving Belligen NSW. Lovely shop with wool tops. yarn, things for children, toys, clothing, beading, the list goes on.
Look at previous post for more slouch beanies.
hand knitted,
slouch beanies,
Soul Weaving Bellingen
Slouch Beanies (1)
Slouch beanies great for persons female/male who have lots of hair including dredlocks and want to wear a beanie. These are hand knitted using a mixture of yarns with a blend of wool, mohair, arcylic etc. These do not have to handled so gentle as my pure wool hand spun beanies.
These beanies are on their way to Bellingen. A shop called Soul Weaving will have them on display to sell.
In preparation for those cold mornings nothing better to keep our ears warm is a beanie.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Dredlock Beanie
These look so good on and so colourful. You get the effect of Dredlocks without having actually dreadlocks which can be painfull to have done.
I have sold a few that I took previously
Scrunchy Beanies.
Know why I can them scrunchy beanies, cos you can roll them up and scrunch together and they will just come back to their original shape
It is raining outside and I am babysitting my sisters dog and cat plus my own dog, so its time to go and explore what I have in scrap/leftover handspun yarn, try and co-ordinated some colour scheme and thickeness of yarn.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Black/Red Scarf &Beanie
As I have many balls of different commercial yarns in my stash I am thinking I am attempting another or more.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Love My Spinning Wheel T-Shirt
I Love My Spinning Wheel T-Shirt I have just printed a few. The Spinning Wheel is a Symphony double treadle Saxony Wheel. I do not own one but I'm sure there are many happy spinners using one. I have a (1)Ashford Traditional. (2)A Babe with a woolly winder double treadle,(3) a Louet single treadle, (4) one that is old and spins a lovely fine thread but I have tried to get a name for this one but not as yet and my(5) electric Spinner which I also added a woolly winder to.
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