It is around my neck. Others like it because they carry their sunglasses, or their reading glasses. They know where they are. Looks good too.
How about when you are cooking and have to use those glasses to read the recipe book and dont want to put them down and loose them. They are around your neck.
My Mum uses hers when sitting down knitting or doing her craft work. Pops in her scissors, tape measure and her thead which you generally can't remember where you put it and can even put a sewing needle and a few pins on the outside.
I have used another for meetings, when I need a small notepad and biro to jot down things as my memory isnt as good as I would like it to be. Got a cold and no pockets for the hanky or tissues and dont want to carry a bag. Its around your neck. Even an IPod. or water bottle. (depending on size) I can make one of your favorite colour, design if you have one, and of course size. Big, Wide, Small, Buttoned, or Hang around the neck.
They are so soft, durable, and washable. Handwash separately in luke warm water with wool wash or detergent. rinse, squeeze moisture out and shape. Dry in the shade. May be ironed with a cloth covering.
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